N5 Marketing
Brand book & website
Brand Kit & Website
These guidelines describe the visual and verbal elements that represent N5 Marketing´s corporate identity. This includes our name, logo and other elements such as colour, type and graphics.
Sending a consistent and controlled message of who we are is essential to presenting a strong, unified image of our company.
These guidelines reflect N5 Marketing´s commitment to quality, consitency and style.
Merch & Application
Signs are responsible for the visibility and inflow traffic of customers of N5 Marketing. It is a composite psychological impression that continually changes with the firm’s circumstances, media coverage, performance, pronouncements, etc. N5 Marketing use various corporate advertising techniques to enhance their public image in order to improve their desirability as a supplier, employer, customer, borrower, partner, etc.
The logo is the key building block of our identity, the primary visual element that identifies them.
The N5 Marketing Corporate logo comprises of two elements, the logo acronym and logo wording. The Logo Symbol conveys two main meanings. First, the letter N that stands for Nick ( the owner of N5). Secondly, the 5 main approaches that will help one stablish an online presence and gain traction to their business. These are research, strategy, presence, reputation and credibility.
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